z ~ 1
This diagnostic uses the 7.7 µm, 10 µm, 15 µm, and 18 µm filters to cover the PAH features in galaxies from z=0.75-1.25. The figure shows the combination of the filters applied to simulated galaxies. I have divided the diagnostic into AGN, composite, and star-forming galaxy regions (black lines), based on completeness and reliability. Overplotted are the contours of all the synthetic galaxies classified as SFGs (blue lines), Composites (purple lines), and AGNs (maroon lines) to allow easier viewing of where each category predominantly lies. In the bottom right corner, I show where the photometry filters fall on an SFG (black), Composite (blue), and AGN (red) template at z=1.
The boundaries of each region are circles, with AGN lying inside the inner circle, SFGs lying outside the outer circle, and Composites lying in between.
inner: (
outer: (
The colors can also be combined to estimate f(AGN)MIR, or the fraction of mid-IR luminosity (5 - 15 µm) due to the torus emission from an AGN. f(AGN)MIR is crucial for removing the AGN contribution to LIR if LIR is being used to calculate star formation rates.
f(AGN)MIR = -0.97 (